The Truth About Stock Eyewear
For years, buying eyewear has been the same: You go to an eyewear store, browse the frames they have, find ones that look close enough to what you’re looking for, and then have your glasses fitted all while making style and fit compromises along the way. Many people think that this is the only way to buy eyewear, but stock frames come with a load of drawbacks when compared to custom-tailored eyewear and other variants. Let’s take a closer look at the ugly truths about stock eyewear and how you can avoid compromising on your next pair. Not Every Face Is the Same The first and most obvious problem with stock eyewear is that they’re made for one imaginary “average” face. Stock frames are premade, mass-produced, and strive to be one-size-fits-all—but everyone has unique facial features that stock frames just can't match. Pinching? Red marks on the nose? Slipping? People across the world experience these issues and assume they are a part of the glasses wearing experie...